Nursery Teachers Training (ECCE)

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With the growing field of education it is also important to have good teachers not only with good command over English language but also to identify the basic skills and to develop the talents in kids by acquiring good knowledge and understanding them. The effective teacher should be aware of the principal of child development and needs of the children, which are different from the primary and post primary children. This is the reason we conduct training courses with utmost care giving due emphasis on child psychology of this age group. The demand for nursery school early childhood care is increasing day by day and teachers who possess requisite qualification and training are in great demand.

The objectives of the programs:
  • Enhancing individual employability.
  • To reduce miss-match between the demand and supply of skill man power.
  • To provide an alternative for those pursuing higher education without particular aims purpose.
  • We have a tie up with Indira Gandhi School of Education (IGSE) to provide NTT program to aspiring Candidates.
  • IGSE is one of the pioneer organizations for imparting N.T.T as per guidance of N.C.E.R.T., New Delhi to women in various states from nearly a decade.
  • Thousands of students are being trained through Practical & Theoretical Knowledge, every year out of which about 80% of the students have already got the job in Nursery schools or in Central School for teaching.
  • In these Modern times, woman has got an important and significant role in nation building. Keeping this factor in view, we are making an important and significant role in nation building.
  • Keeping this factor in view, we are making all out efforts to make women independent, which is also a basic need of the day.
  • Indira Gandhi School of Education is the first ISO 9001:2008 Certified organization to introduce the Nursery Teachers Training, among all the system available in the country.
  • The society has developed its teacher’s Training program and national application from the progress of the women and children.

Course Duration: 1Year
Course Available: Regular & Correspondence
Medium of Teaching: English/Hindi

Affiliated to All India Early Childhood Care and Education (AIECCE)
